__all__ = ["EPGstates"]
import numpy as np
import torch
[docs]def EPGstates(
EPG states matrix.
Stores dephasing states for transverse and longitudinal magnetization.
device : str
Computational device (e.g., ``cpu`` or ``cuda:n``, with ``n=0,1,2...``).
batch_size : int
Number of different atoms (e.g., voxels) to be simultaneously simulated.
nstates : int
Maximum number of dephasing states.
nlocs : int
Number of spatial locations contributing to each atom states (e.g., slice points).
npulses : int
Number of RF pulses applied during the sequence.
npools : int
Number of pools contributing to signal (e.g., Free Water / Myelin Water).
weight : torch.Tensor[float], optional
Relative fraction for each pool. For single pool, this is the initial magnetization.
The default is ``None`` (i.e., ``M0 = [0, 0, 1]``).
model : str, optional
Type of signal model. If "mt" is in the model name,
include pure longitudinal states (bound pool).
The default is ``single`` (single pool model).
moving : bool, optional
Flag for moving spins. If ``True`` include a fresh magnetization pool
to replace states with ``v != 0``. The default is ``False``.
out : dict
Dictionary with states (e.g., ``F``, ``Z``) and signal buffer.
# prepare output
out = {}
if weight is not None:
weight = weight.clone()
if len(weight.shape) == 1:
weight = weight[None, :]
if np.isscalar(npulses):
npulses = [npulses]
# initialize free pool
# transverse
F = torch.zeros(
(batch_size, nstates, nlocs, npools, 2), dtype=torch.complex64, device=device
F = {"real": F.real, "imag": F.imag}
# initialize free pool
# longitudinal
Z = torch.zeros(
(batch_size, nstates, nlocs, npools), dtype=torch.complex64, device=device
Z[:, 0, ...] = 1.0
if weight is not None:
Z = Z * weight[:, :npools][:, None, None]
Z = {"real": Z.real, "imag": Z.imag}
# append
out["states"] = {"F": F, "Z": Z}
# initialize moving pool
if moving:
# transverse
Fmoving = torch.zeros(
(batch_size, nstates, nlocs, npools, 2),
Fmoving = {"real": Fmoving.real, "imag": Fmoving.imag}
# initialize free pool
# longitudinal
Zmoving = torch.zeros(
(batch_size, nstates, nlocs, npools), dtype=torch.complex64, device=device
Zmoving[:, 0, ...] = 1.0
if weight is not None:
Zmoving = Zmoving * weight[:, :npools][:, None, None]
Zmoving = {"real": Zmoving.real, "imag": Zmoving.imag}
# append
out["states"]["moving"] = {}
out["states"]["moving"]["F"] = Fmoving
out["states"]["moving"]["Z"] = Zmoving
# initialize bound pool
if model is not None and "mt" in model:
Zbound = torch.zeros(
(batch_size, nstates, nlocs, 1), dtype=torch.complex64, device=device
Zbound[:, 0, :, :] = 1.0
Zbound = Zbound * weight[:, -1][:, None, None, None]
Zbound = {"real": Zbound.real, "imag": Zbound.imag}
out["states"]["Zbound"] = Zbound
if moving:
out["states"]["moving"]["Zbound"] = Zbound.clone()
# initialize output signal
sig = torch.zeros([batch_size] + npulses, dtype=torch.complex64, device=device)
sig = {"real": sig.real, "imag": sig.imag}
# append
out["signal"] = sig
return out