""""Numerical phantoms generation routines"""
__all__ = ["shepp_logan", "brainweb", "custom_phantom"]
import numpy as np
import torch
from .brainweb import brainweb as _brainweb
from .ct_shepp_logan import ct_shepp_logan
from .mr_shepp_logan import mr_shepp_logan
[docs]def shepp_logan(npix, nslices=1, qmr=False, B0=3.0):
Initialize numerical phantom for MR simulations.
This function generates a numerical phantom for qMR or MR simulations based on the provided parameters.
npix : Iterable[int]
In-plane matrix size.
nslices : int, optional
Number of slices. An isotropic ``[npix, npix, npix]`` phantom can be
generated, for convenience, by setting nslices to ``-1``. The default is ``1``.
qmr : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether the phantom is for qMRI (``True``) or MR (``False``) simulations.
The default is False.
B0 : float, optional
Static field strength in ``[T]``. Ignored if ``mr`` is False.
The default is ``3.0``.
phantom : torch.Tensor, dict
Shepp-Logan phantom of shape ``(nslices, ny, nx)`` (``qmr == False``) or
a dictionary of maps (``M0``, ``T1``, ``T2``, ``T2star``, ``chi``) of
shape ``(nslices, ny, nx)`` (``qmr == True``). Units for ``T1``, ``T2`` and ``T2star``
are ``[ms]``; for ``chi``, units are ``[ppm]``.
>>> import deepmr
We can generate a non-quantitative Shepp-Logan phantom as:
>>> phantom = deepmr.shepp_logan(128)
>>> phantom.shape
torch.Size([128, 128])
We also support multiple slices:
>>> phantom = deepmr.shepp_logan(128, 32)
>>> phantom.shape
torch.Size([32, 128, 128])
An isotropic ``[npix, npix, npix]`` phantom can be generated by setting nslices to ``-1``:
>>> phantom = deepmr.shepp_logan(128, -1)
>>> phantom.shape
torch.Size([128, 128, 128])
We can also generate quantitative ``M0``, ``T1``, ``T2``, ``T2*`` and magnetic susceptibility maps:
>>> phantom = deepmr.shepp_logan(128, qmr=True)
>>> phantom.keys()
dict_keys(['M0', 'T1', 'T2', 'T2star', 'chi'])
Each map will have ``(nslices, npix, npix)`` shape:
>>> phantom["M0"].shape
torch.Size([128, 128])
[1] L. A. Shepp and B. F. Logan,
"The Fourier reconstruction of a head section,"
in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,
vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 21-43, June 1974,
doi: 10.1109/TNS.1974.6499235.
if nslices < 0:
nslices = npix
if qmr:
seg, mrtp, emtp = mr_shepp_logan(npix, nslices, B0)
# - seg (tensor): phantom segmentation (e.g., 1 := GM, 2 := WM, 3 := CSF...)
# - mrtp (list): list of dictionaries containing 1) free water T1/T2/T2*/ADC/v, 2) bm/mt T1/T2/fraction, 3) exchange matrix
# for each class (index along the list correspond to value in segmentation mask)
# - emtp (list): list of dictionaries containing electromagnetic tissue properties for each class.
# only support single model for now:
prop = {
"M0": mrtp["M0"],
"T1": mrtp["T1"],
"T2": mrtp["T2"],
"T2star": mrtp["T2star"],
"chi": emtp["chi"],
return custom_phantom(seg, prop)
return ct_shepp_logan(npix, nslices)
[docs]def brainweb(idx, npix=None, nslices=1, B0=3.0, cache_dir=None):
Initialize a brain-shaped phantom for MR simulations.
This function generates a brain-shaped phantom [1-3] for qMR or MR simulations based on the provided parameters.
idx : int
Brainweb ID (``0`` to ``19``).
npix : Iterable[int], optional
In-plane matrix size. The default is ``None``.
nslices : int, optional
Number of slices. An isotropic ``[npix, npix, npix]`` phantom can be
generated, for convenience, by setting nslices to ``-1``. The default is ``1``.
B0 : float, optional
Static field strength in ``[T]``.
The default is ``3.0``.
cache_dir : os.PathLike
Directory to download the data.
phantom : torch.Tensor, dict
Dictionary of BrainWeb maps (``M0``, ``T1``, ``T2``, ``T2star``, ``chi``) of
shape ``(nslices, ny, nx)`` (``qmr == True``). Units for ``T1``, ``T2`` and ``T2star``
are ``[ms]``; for ``chi``, units are ``[ppm]``.
>>> import deepmr
We can generate a single-slice BrainWeb phantom as:
>>> phantom = deepmr.brainweb(128)
>>> phantom.keys()
dict_keys(['M0', 'T1', 'T2', 'T2star', 'chi'])
Each map will have ``(nslices, npix, npix)`` shape:
>>> phantom["M0"].shape
torch.Size([128, 128])
We also support multiple slices:
>>> phantom = deepmr.brainweb(128, 32)
>>> phantom["M0"].shape
torch.Size([32, 128, 128])
The brainweb is set in the following order:
* The ``cache_dir`` passed as argument.
* The environment variable ``BRAINWEB_DIR``.
* The default cache__dir ``~/brainweb``.
[1] D.L. Collins, A.P. Zijdenbos, V. Kollokian, J.G. Sled, N.J. Kabani, C.J. Holmes, A.C. Evans,
Design and Construction of a Realistic Digital Brain Phantom,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.17, No.3, p.463--468, June 1998\n
[2] https://github.com/casperdcl/brainweb/ \n
[3] https://github.com/paquiteau/brainweb-dl?tab=readme-ov-file
if nslices < 0:
nslices = npix
seg, mrtp, emtp = _brainweb(npix, nslices, B0, idx, cache_dir)
# - seg (tensor): phantom segmentation (e.g., 1 := GM, 2 := WM, 3 := CSF...)
# - mrtp (list): list of dictionaries containing 1) free water T1/T2/T2*/ADC/v, 2) bm/mt T1/T2/fraction, 3) exchange matrix
# for each class (index along the list correspond to value in segmentation mask)
# - emtp (list): list of dictionaries containing electromagnetic tissue properties for each class.
# only support single model for now:
prop = {
"M0": mrtp["M0"],
"T1": mrtp["T1"],
"T2": mrtp["T2"],
"T2star": mrtp["T2star"],
"chi": emtp["chi"],
return custom_phantom(seg, prop)
[docs]def custom_phantom(segmentation, properties):
Initialize numerical phantom for MR simulations from user-provided segmentation.
This function generates a numerical phantom for qMR simulations based on the segmentation and parameters.
segmentation : torch.Tensor
Hard (i.e. non probabilistic) segmentation of the object of shape ``(nslices, ny, nx)``.
properties : dict
Dictionary with the properties for each class (e.g., ``properties.keys() = dict_keys(["M0", "T1", "T2", "T2star", "chi"])``).
Each property is a list, whose entries ordering should match the label values in "segmentation".
For example, ``properties["T1"][2]`` is the T1 value of the region corresponding to (``segmentation == 2``).
phantom : dict
Dictionary of maps (e.g., ``M0``, ``T1``, ``T2``, ``T2star``, ``chi``) of
shape ``(nslices, ny, nx)``.
>>> import torch
>>> import deepmr
We can initialize a simple tissue segmentation and its ``M0``, ``T1`` and ``T2`` properties:
>>> segmentation = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int)
>>> properties = {"M0": [0.7, 0.8], "T1": [500.0, 1000.0], "T2": [50.0, 100.0]}
Now, we can use "create_phantom" to generate our ``M0``, ``T1`` and ``T2`` maps:
>>> phantom = deepmr.custom_phantom(segmentation, properties)
>>> phantom["M0"]
tensor([ 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8])
>>> phantom["T1"]
tensor([ 500., 500., 500., 1000., 1000., 1000.])
>>> phantom["T2"]
tensor([ 50., 50., 50., 100., 100., 100.])
assert (
np.issubdtype(segmentation.detach().cpu().numpy().dtype, np.floating) is False
), "We only support hard segmentation right now."
map_template = torch.zeros(segmentation.shape, dtype=torch.float32)
labels = np.unique(segmentation)
phantom = {}
for key in properties.keys():
value = map_template.clone()
for idx in labels:
value[segmentation == idx] = properties[key][idx]
phantom[key] = value
return phantom
# @_dataclass
# class ArbitraryPhantomBuilder:
# """Helper class to build qMRI phantoms from externally provided maps."""
# # relaxation properties
# T1: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] # ms
# T2: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] # ms
# segmentation: _npt.NDArray = None
# M0: float = 1.0
# # other properties
# T2star: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] = 0.0 # ms
# chemshift: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] = 0.0 # Hz / T
# # motion properties
# D: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] = 0.0 # um**2 / ms
# v: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] = 0.0 # cm / s
# # multi-component related properties
# exchange_rate: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] = 0.0 # 1 / s
# # smaller pools
# bm: dict = None
# mt: dict = None
# # electromagnetic properties
# chi: float = 0.0
# sigma: float = 0.0 # S / m
# epsilon: float = 0.0
# # size and shape
# n_atoms: int = 1
# shape: tuple = None
# def __post_init__(self):
# # convert scalar to array and gather sizes and shapes
# sizes = []
# shapes = []
# for field in _fields(self):
# value = getattr(self, field.name)
# if (
# field.name != "bm"
# and field.name != "mt"
# and field.name != "segmentation"
# and field.name != "n_atoms"
# and field.name != "shape"
# and field.name != "exchange_rate"
# ):
# val = _np.asarray(value)
# sizes.append(val.size)
# shapes.append(val.shape)
# setattr(self, field.name, val)
# # get number of atoms
# self.n_atoms = _np.max(sizes)
# self.shape = shapes[_np.argmax(sizes)]
# # check shapes
# shapes = [shape for shape in shapes if shape != ()]
# assert (
# len(set(shapes)) <= 1
# ), "Error! All input valus must be either scalars or arrays of the same shape!"
# # check segmentation consistence
# if self.segmentation is not None:
# seg = self.segmentation
# if issubclass(seg.dtype.type, _np.integer): # discrete segmentation case
# assert seg.max() == self.n_atoms - 1, (
# f"Error! Number of atoms = {self.n_atoms} must match number of"
# f" classes = {seg.max()}"
# )
# else:
# assert seg.shape[0] == self.n_atoms - 1, (
# f"Error! Number of atoms = {self.n_atoms} must match number of"
# f" classes = {seg.shape[0]}"
# )
# # expand scalars
# for field in _fields(self):
# value = getattr(self, field.name)
# if (
# field.name != "bm"
# and field.name != "mt"
# and field.name != "segmentation"
# and field.name != "n_atoms"
# and field.name != "shape"
# and field.name != "exchange_rate"
# ):
# if value.size == 1:
# value = value * _np.ones(self.shape, dtype=_np.float32)
# value = _np.atleast_1d(value)
# setattr(self, field.name, value)
# # initialize exchange_rate
# self.exchange_rate = _np.zeros(list(self.shape) + [1], dtype=_np.float32)
# # initialize BM and MT pools
# self.bm = {}
# self.mt = {}
# def add_cest_pool(
# self,
# T1: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray],
# T2: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray],
# weight: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray],
# chemshift: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray] = 0.0,
# ):
# """
# Add a new Chemical Exchanging pool to the model.
# Args:
# T1 (Union[float, npt.NDArray]): New pool T1.
# T2 (Union[float, npt.NDArray]): New pool T2.
# weight (Union[float, npt.NDArray]): New pool relative fraction.
# chemshift (Union[float, npt.NDArray], optional): New pool chemical shift. Defaults to 0.0.
# """
# # check pool
# if _np.isscalar(T1):
# T1 *= _np.ones((self.n_atoms, 1), dtype=_np.float32)
# elif len(T1.shape) == 1:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# T1.shape, self.shape
# ), "Input T1 must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# T1 = T1[..., None]
# else:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# T1.squeeze().shape, self.shape
# ), "Input T1 must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# assert T1.shape[-1] == 1, "Pool dimension size must be 1!"
# if _np.isscalar(T2):
# T2 *= _np.ones((self.n_atoms, 1), dtype=_np.float32)
# elif len(T2.shape) == 1:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# T2.shape, self.shape
# ), "Input T2 must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# T2 = T2[..., None]
# else:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# T2.squeeze().shape, self.shape
# ), "Input T2 must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# assert T2.shape[-1] == 1, "Pool dimension size must be 1!"
# if _np.isscalar(weight):
# weight *= _np.ones((self.n_atoms, 1), dtype=_np.float32)
# elif len(weight.shape) == 1:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# weight.shape, self.shape
# ), "Input weight must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# weight = weight[..., None]
# else:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# weight.squeeze().shape, self.shape
# ), "Input weight must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# assert weight.shape[-1] == 1, "Pool dimension size must be 1!"
# if _np.isscalar(chemshift):
# chemshift *= _np.ones((self.n_atoms, 1), dtype=_np.float32)
# elif len(chemshift.shape) == 1:
# assert _np.array_equal(chemshift.shape, self.shape), (
# "Input chemical_shift must be either a scalar or match the existing"
# " shape."
# )
# chemshift = chemshift[..., None]
# else:
# assert _np.array_equal(chemshift.squeeze().shape, self.shape), (
# "Input chemical_shift must be either a scalar or match the existing"
# " shape."
# )
# assert chemshift.shape[-1] == 1, "Pool dimension size must be 1!"
# # BM pool already existing; add a new component
# if self.bm:
# self.bm["T1"] = _np.concatenate((self.bm["T1"], T1), axis=-1)
# self.bm["T2"] = _np.concatenate((self.bm["T2"], T2), axis=-1)
# self.bm["weight"] = _np.concatenate((self.bm["weight"], weight), axis=-1)
# self.bm["chemshift"] = _np.concatenate(
# (self.bm["chemshift"], chemshift), axis=-1
# )
# else:
# self.bm["T1"] = T1
# self.bm["T2"] = T2
# self.bm["weight"] = weight
# self.bm["chemshift"] = chemshift
# def add_mt_pool(self, weight: _Union[float, _npt.NDArray]):
# """
# Set macromolecolar pool.
# Args:
# weight (Union[float, npt.NDArray]): Semisolid pool relative fraction.
# """
# # check pool
# if _np.isscalar(weight):
# weight *= _np.ones((self.n_atoms, 1), dtype=_np.float32)
# elif len(weight.shape) == 1:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# weight.shape, self.shape
# ), "Input weight must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# weight = weight[..., None]
# else:
# assert _np.array_equal(
# weight.squeeze().shape, self.shape
# ), "Input weight must be either a scalar or match the existing shape."
# assert weight.shape[-1] == 1, "Pool dimension size must be 1!"
# self.mt["weight"] = weight
# def set_exchange_rate(self, *exchange_rate_matrix_rows: _Union[list, tuple]):
# """
# Build system exchange matrix.
# Args:
# *exchange_rate_matrix_rows (list or tuple): list or tuple of exchange constant.
# Each argument represent a row of the exchange matrix in s**-1.
# Each element of each argument represent a single element of the row; these can
# be either scalar or array-like objects of shape (n_atoms,)
# """
# # check that every row has enough exchange rates for each pool
# npools = 1
# if self.bm:
# npools += self.bm["T1"].shape[-1]
# if self.mt:
# npools += self.mt["T1"].shape[-1]
# # count rows
# assert (
# len(exchange_rate_matrix_rows) == npools
# ), "Error! Incorrect number of exchange constant"
# for row in exchange_rate_matrix_rows:
# row = _np.asarray(row).T
# assert (
# row.shape[0] == npools
# ), "Error! Incorrect number of exchange constant per row"
# for el in row:
# if _np.isscalar(el):
# el *= _np.ones(self.n_atoms, dtype=_np.float32)
# else:
# assert _np.array_equal(el.shape, self.shape), (
# "Input exchange constant must be either a scalar or match the"
# " existing shape."
# )
# # stack element in row
# row = _np.stack(row, axis=-1)
# # stack row
# self.exchange_rate = _np.stack(exchange_rate_matrix_rows, axis=-1)
# # check it is symmetric
# assert _np.allclose(
# self.exchange_rate, self.exchange_rate.swapaxes(-1, -2)
# ), "Error! Non-directional exchange matrix must be symmetric."
# def build(self):
# """
# Return structures for MR simulation.
# """
# # check that exchange matrix is big enough
# npools = 1
# if self.bm:
# npools += self.bm["T1"].shape[-1]
# if self.mt:
# npools += self.mt["T1"].shape[-1]
# # actual check
# assert (
# self.exchange_rate.shape[-1] == npools
# ), "Error! Incorrect exchange matrix size."
# if npools > 1:
# assert (
# self.exchange_rate.shape[-2] == npools
# ), "Error! Incorrect exchange matrix size."
# # prepare output
# mrtp = _asdict(self)
# # erase unused stuff
# mrtp.pop("n_atoms")
# mrtp.pop("shape")
# # get segmentation
# seg = mrtp.pop("segmentation")
# # electromagnetic tissue properties
# emtp = {}
# emtp["chi"] = mrtp.pop("chi")
# emtp["sigma"] = mrtp.pop("sigma")
# emtp["epsilon"] = mrtp.pop("epsilon")
# return seg, mrtp, emtp