"""Rigid motion parameter generation routines."""
__all__ = ["rigid_motion"]
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
[docs]def rigid_motion(ndims, nframes, degree="moderate", seed=42):
Generate rigid motion pattern as a Markov Chain process.
ndims : int
Generate 2D (in-plane only) or 3D motion pattern.
nframes : int
Number of motion frames.
degree : str | Iterable[float], optional
Severity of motion. The default is ``"moderate"``.
seed : int, optional
Random number generator seed.
The default is ``42``.
Severity of motion can be specified via the ``degree`` argument.
This can be a string - accepted values are ``"subtle"``, ``"moderate"``
and ``"severe"``. These corresponds to the following motion ranges:
* ``"subtle"``: maximum rotation ``5.0 [deg]``; maximum translation ``2.0 [mm]``
* ``"moderate"``: maximum rotation ``10.0 [deg]``; maximum translation ``8.0 [mm]``
* ``"severe"``: maximum rotation ``16.0 [deg]``; maximum translation ``16.0 [mm]``
As an alternative, user can specify a tuple of floats, where ``degree[0]``
is the maximum rotation in ``[deg]`` and ``degree[1]`` is the maximum translation
in ``[mm]``.
angleX : torch.Tensor
Rotation about ``x`` axis in ``[deg]`` of shape ``(nframes,)``.
angleY : torch.Tensor
Rotation about ``y`` axis in ``[deg]`` of shape ``(nframes,)``.
angleZ : torch.Tensor
Rotation about ``z`` axis in ``[deg]`` of shape ``(nframes,)``.
dx : torch.Tensor
Translation towards ``x`` axis in ``[mm]`` of shape ``(nframes,)``.
dy : torch.Tensor
Translation towards ``y`` axis in ``[mm]`` of shape ``(nframes,)``.
dz : torch.Tensor
Translation towards ``z`` axis in ``[mm]`` of shape ``(nframes,)``.
# Markov rate (I don't remember what this is :()
rate = [[0.9, 0.05, 0.05], [0.4, 0.3, 0.3], [0.4, 0.3, 0.3]]
transition_mtx = np.array(rate, np.float32)
# generate probability array
change = np.random.rand(6, nframes)
# generate six random series
x = _generate_series(6, nframes, transition_mtx, change)
# rescale series
x_max = np.abs(x).max(axis=1)[:, None]
x_max[x_max == 0] = 1
x = x / x_max
# get motion range
if isinstance(degree, str):
if degree == "subtle":
degree = [5.0, 2.0]
elif degree == "moderate":
degree = [10.0, 8.0]
elif degree == "severe":
degree = [16.0, 16.0]
raise ValueError(
f"Severity of motion not recognized - must be either 'subtle', 'moderate', 'severe' or a (rotation, translation) tuple in (deg, mm). Found {degree}."
# set
roll = degree[0] * x[0] # deg, rotation around x
pitch = degree[0] * x[1] # deg, rotation around y
yaw = degree[0] * x[2] # deg, rotation around z
dx = degree[1] * x[3] # mm, translation around x
dy = degree[1] * x[4] # mm, translation around x
dz = degree[1] * x[5] # mm, translation around x
if ndims == 2:
return yaw, dy, dx
elif ndims == 3:
return roll, pitch, yaw, dx, dy, dz
raise ValueError(f"Invalid number of dims! must be 2 or 3 - found {ndims}")
# %% local utils
# adapted from
# https://ipython-books.github.io/131-simulating-a-discrete-time-markov-chain/
# The statespace
states = np.array([0, -1, 1], np.int64)
@nb.njit(fastmath=True, parallel=True) # pragma: no cover
def _generate_series(n_parameters, n_frames, transition_matrix, change):
# pre-allocate state history
state_history = np.zeros((n_parameters, n_frames), dtype=np.int64)
# initialize states
current_state = np.zeros(n_parameters, dtype=np.int64)
for p in nb.prange(n_parameters):
for t in range(1, n_frames):
current_state[p] = _generate_state(
transition_matrix[current_state[p]], change[p, t]
state_history[p, t] = state_history[p, t - 1] + states[current_state[p]]
return state_history
@nb.njit(fastmath=True, cache=True) # pragma: no cover
def _generate_state(probability, change):
if change <= probability[0]:
out_state = 0
elif change <= probability[0] + probability[1]:
out_state = 1
out_state = 2
return out_state