"""B1+ and sensitivity maps generation routines."""
__all__ = ["sensmap", "b1field"]
import math
import numpy as np
import torch
[docs]def sensmap(shape, coil_width=2.0, shift=None, dphi=0.0, nrings=None, mask=None):
Simulate birdcage coils.
Adapted from SigPy [1].
shape : Iterable[int]
Size of the matrix ``(ncoils, ny, nx)`` (2D) or ``(ncoils, nz, ny, nx)`` (3D) for the sensitivity coils.
shift : Iterable[int], optional
Displacement of the coil center with respect to matrix center.
The default is ``(0, 0)`` / ``(0, 0, 0)``.
dphi : float
Bulk coil angle in ``[deg]``.
The default is ``0.0°``.
coil_width : float, optional
Width of the coil, with respect to image dimension.
The default is ``2.0``.
nrings : int, optional
Number of rings for a cylindrical hardware set-up.
The default is ``ncoils // 4``.
mask : np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, optional
Region of support of the object of
shape ``(ny, nx)`` (2D) or ``(nz, ny, nx)`` (3D).
The default is ``None``.
smap : torch.Tensor
Complex spatially varying sensitivity maps of shape ``(nmodes, ny, nx)`` (2D)
or ``(nmodes, nz, ny, nx)`` (3D). If ``nmodes = 1``, the first dimension is squeezed.
>>> import deepmr
We can generate a set of ``nchannels=8`` 2D sensitivity maps of shape ``(ny=128, nx=128)`` by:
>>> smap = deepmr.sensmap((8, 128, 128))
Coil center and rotation can be modified by ``shift`` and ``dphi`` arguments:
>>> smap = deepmr.sensmap((8, 128, 128), shift=(-3, 5), dphi=30.0) # center shifted by (dy, dx) = (-3, 5) pixels and rotated by 30.0 degrees.
Similarly, ``nchannels=8`` 3D sensitivity maps can be generated as:
>>> smap = deepmr.sensmap((8, 128, 128, 128))
Beware that this will require more memory.
[1] https://github.com/mikgroup/sigpy/tree/main
smap = _birdcage(shape, coil_width, nrings, shift, np.deg2rad(dphi))
# normalize
rss = sum(abs(smap) ** 2, 0) ** 0.5
smap /= rss
# mask
if mask is not None:
mask = torch.as_tensor(mask != 0)
smap = mask * smap
return smap
[docs]def b1field(
b1range=(0.5, 2.0),
Simulate inhomogeneous B1+ fields.
Adapted from SigPy [1].
shape : Iterable[int]
Size of the matrix ``(ny, nx)`` (2D) or
``(nz, ny, nx)`` (3D) for the B1+ field.
nmodes : int, optional
Number of B1+ modes. First mode is ``CP`` mode, second
is ``gradient`` mode, and so on. The default is ``1``.
b1range : Iterable[float]
Range of B1+ magnitude. The default is ``(0.5, 2.0)``.
shift : Iterable[int], optional
Displacement of the coil center with respect to matrix center.
The default is ``(0, 0)`` / ``(0, 0, 0)``.
dphi : float
Bulk coil angle in ``[deg]``.
The default is ``0.0°``.
coil_width : float, optional
Width of the coil, with respect to image dimension.
The default is ``1.1``.
ncoils : int, optional
Number of transmit coil elements. Standard coils have ``2`` channels
operating in quadrature. To support multiple modes (i.e., PTX), increase this
number. The default is ``8``.
nrings : int, optional
Number of rings for a cylindrical hardware set-up.
The default is ``ncoils // 4``.
mask : np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, optional
Region of support of the object of
shape ``(ny, nx)`` (2D) or ``(nz, ny, nx)`` (3D).
The default is ``None``.
smap : torch.Tensor
Complex spatially varying b1+ maps of shape ``(nmodes, ny, nx)`` (2D)
or ``(nmodes, nz, ny, nx)`` (3D). Magnitude of the map represents
the relative flip angle scaling (wrt to the nominal).
>>> import deepmr
We can generate a 2D B1+ field map of shape ``(ny=128, nx=128)`` by:
>>> b1map = deepmr.b1field((128, 128))
Field center and rotation can be modified by ``shift`` and ``dphi`` arguments:
>>> b1map = deepmr.b1field((8, 128, 128), shift=(-3, 5), dphi=30.0) # center shifted by (dy, dx) = (-3, 5) pixels and rotated by 30.0 degrees.
B1+ values range and steepness of variation can be specified using ``b1range`` and ``coil_width`` arguments:
>>> # transmit coil is 4 times bigger than FOV (e.g., body coil) and
>>> # B1+ scalings are between (0.8, 1.2) the nominal flip angle (e.g., 3T scanner)
>>> b1map3T = deepmr.b1field((128, 128), b1range=(0.8, 1.2), coil_width=4.0)
>>> # transmit coil is 1.1 times bigger than FOV (e.g., head coil) and
>>> # B1+ scalings are between (0.5, 2.0) the nominal flip angle (e.g., 7T scanner)
>>> b1map7T = deepmr.b1field((128, 128), b1range=(0.5, 2.0), coil_width=1.1)
Multiple orthogonal modes can be simulated by ``nmodes`` argument.
For example, ``CP`` mode and ``gradient`` mode can be obtained as:
>>> b1map = deepmr.b1field((128, 128), nmodes=2) # b1map[0] is CP, b1map[1] is gradient mode.
Three dimensional B1+ maps of shape ``(nz, ny, nx)`` can be obtained as:
>>> b1map = deepmr.b1field((128, 128, 128))
Beware that this will require more memory.
[1] https://github.com/mikgroup/sigpy/tree/main
# check we can do quadrature
assert (
ncoils >= 2
), f"We support circular polarization only - found {ncoils} transmit elements."
assert ncoils >= nmodes, f"Need ncoils (={ncoils}) to be >= nmodes (={nmodes})."
# generate coils
smap = _birdcage(
[ncoils] + list(shape), coil_width, nrings, shift, np.deg2rad(dphi)
# normalize
rss = sum(abs(smap) ** 2, 0) ** 0.5
smap /= rss
# # combine
dalpha = 2 * math.pi / ncoils
alpha = np.arange(ncoils) * dalpha
mode = np.arange(nmodes)
phafu = np.exp(1j * mode[:, None] * alpha[None, :]) # (nmodes, nchannels)
# # get modes
smap = smap.T # (nc, ...) -> (..., nc)
smap = [(abs(smap) * phafu[n]).sum(axis=-1) for n in range(nmodes)]
smap = np.stack(smap, axis=-1) # (..., nmodes)
smap = smap.T # (..., nmodes) -> (nmodes, ...)
# # rescale
phase = smap / abs(smap)
smap = abs(smap)
smap = smap - smap.min() # (min, max) -> (0, max - min)
smap = smap / smap.max() # (0, max - min) -> (0, 1)
smap = (
smap * (b1range[1] - b1range[0]) + b1range[0]
) # (0, 1) -> (b1range[0], b1range[1])
smap = smap * phase
# convert to tensor
if nmodes == 1:
smap = torch.as_tensor(abs(smap[0]), dtype=torch.float32)
smap = torch.as_tensor(smap, dtype=torch.complex64)
# mask
if mask is not None:
mask = torch.as_tensor(mask != 0)
smap = mask * smap
return smap
def _birdcage(shape, coil_width, nrings, shift, dphi):
# default
if shift is None:
shift = [0.0 for ax in range(len(shape) - 1)]
if nrings is None:
nrings = np.max((shape[0] // 4, 1))
# coil width and radius
c_width = coil_width * min(shape[-2:])
c_rad = 0.5 * c_width
if len(shape) == 3:
nc, ny, nx = shape
phi = np.arange(nc) * (2 * math.pi / nc) + dphi
y, x = np.mgrid[:ny, :nx]
x0 = c_rad * np.cos(phi) + shape[-1] / 2.0 + shift[-1]
y0 = c_rad * np.sin(phi) + shape[-2] / 2.0 + shift[-2]
x_co = x[None, ...] - x0[:, None, None]
y_co = y[None, ...] - y0[:, None, None]
# coil magnitude
rr = np.sqrt(x_co**2 + y_co**2) / (2 * c_width)
# coil phase
phi = np.arctan2(x_co, -y_co) - phi[:, None, None]
elif len(shape) == 4:
nc, nz, ny, nx = shape
phi = np.arange(nc) * (2 * math.pi / (nc + nrings)) + dphi
z, y, x = np.mgrid[:nz, :ny, :nx]
x0 = c_rad * np.cos(phi) + shape[-1] / 2.0 + shift[-1]
y0 = c_rad * np.sin(phi) + shape[-2] / 2.0 + shift[-2]
z0 = (
np.floor(np.arange(nc) / nrings)
- 0.5 * (np.ceil(np.arange(nc) / nrings) - 1)
+ shape[-3] / 2.0
+ shift[-3]
x_co = x[None, ...] - x0[:, None, None, None]
y_co = y[None, ...] - y0[:, None, None, None]
z_co = z[None, ...] - z0[:, None, None, None]
# coil magnitude
rr = np.sqrt(x_co**2 + y_co**2 + z_co**2) / (2 * c_width)
# coil phase
phi = np.arctan2(x_co, -y_co) - phi[:, None, None, None]
raise ValueError("Can only generate shape with length 3 or 4")
# build coils
rr[rr == 0.0] = 1.0
smap = (1.0 / rr) * np.exp(1j * phi)
return torch.as_tensor(smap, dtype=torch.complex64)